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Terms of trade

General Information

Plug In ApS
CVR No. 41297034
Vasbygade 10A, 2450 København SV
Email: hjalte@pluginheatclub.com
Phone No. 51300240
Website: https://pluginheatclub.com

The following terms apply to all physical events and subscriptions sold via https://pluginheatclub.com, managed by Plug In ApS, CVR No. 41297034 (hereinafter called "Plugin"). These trading conditions apply to any task undertaken by Plugin.

Plugin may from time to time change the terms. Changes to the terms will take effect after Plugin posts such updated terms in the appropriate place or notifies you duly. Your continued purchase of our services after such postings or notification constitutes consent to be bound by the modified terms.

Plugin acts as a facilitator for physical events where the customer signs up either through a one-time payment (single ticket) or a subscription solution (hereinafter called "Membership").

Prices, Payment, and Membership

The applicable price is the one indicated on the day of ordering for the relevant service. All prices include VAT and are stated in DKK.

Plugin may freely change the prices listed without prior notice. If a typo has occurred and you should know or know that there is a typo, you cannot get the misprinted price. Plugin can at any time cancel an order that has been made at a typo price.

When ordering, you can see the final price, which includes VAT, taxes, and any costs.

If you purchase a Membership, the price of the subscription may change over time.

At Plugin, payments can be made with Credit card, Debit Card, Maestro.

As far as Membership is concerned, payment is made monthly in advance. Payment is charged via the associated payment card. After the first payment, a Membership will be continuously renewed by charging a monthly payment. Plugin will continue to draw payment until the relevant Membership is canceled. Subscription payments are final and cannot be refunded. No refunds will be given for partially used, unused, or remaining subscription periods.

The binding on a Membership is ongoing month + 1 month, and can thereafter be canceled at any time. Membership cancellation must be done on your profile under "My profile".


At Plugin, we believe that trust and confidentiality are crucial for good cooperation. All information received from you or about you will be treated confidentially, and all employees are under confidentiality.

Note, however, that the vision for Plugin is networking, for which you must at least provide your name when participating in Events. It will therefore not be possible to appear anonymously.


Plugin is not responsible for breakdowns or temporary interruptions on our website, breakdowns in power supply or internet connection, vandalism on the system (both physical and computer viruses and hacking), misuse of personal information, or other conditions and circumstances that are beyond Plugin's control.

As far as liability is concerned, Plugin is liable to you according to the general rules of applicable Danish law, with the limitations set out in these conditions:
Plugin is only liable for personal injury if it is proven that the damage is due to an error or negligence committed by Plugin or others for whom Plugin is responsible.
Plugin is liable for damage to real property and movables under the same conditions as for personal injury.
Plugin is not liable for indirect losses and consequential damages.
Plugin and the customer are mutually obliged to be sued at the court or arbitration tribunal that handles compensation claims raised against one of them on the basis of damage.


Once the purchase is completed, you will receive an order confirmation/invoice via the provided email address. Events are delivered on the specified date for the Event. Plugin reserves the right to make changes, including price, time, place, and content.

Right of Use to Products and Services

All rights to Events, texts, and images belong to Plugin.
When you purchase a product or service, you gain the ability to access purchased material. Access to the material ceases under more specific conditions, including in connection with the termination of Membership.

Right of Cancellation

You have 14 days of cancellation right when you shop with us.
The cancellation period expires 14 days after the day you completed the purchase, whether it is an online Event or a physical Event that is first carried out at a later agreed date.
You must notify us that you wish to cancel the purchase. The notice must be given by email to: connect@pluginheatclub.com.
If you cancel your purchase, you will get the full amount back. We will refund your payment no later than 10 banking days from the date we received notice of your decision to cancel this agreement.

Complaint Rights

If the delivered does not correspond to what was agreed, you must immediately contact Plugin. You can make an inquiry by email to: connect@pluginheatclub.com. Plugin will ask you to fill out a questionnaire and ask for a description as detailed as possible of what the complaint involves. Remember you must complain within a "reasonable time" after you have made the observation.
Plugin thus has the opportunity to consider whether your experience can be remedied, you should have the opportunity to participate in another Event, get your money back or a discount in price, depending on the specific situation.

Personal Data

For you to enter into an agreement with us and shop at https://weareplugin.com, we need the following information about you: Full name, email, payment card details, phone number, and address.
The processing is done according to the rules in our Personal Data and Cookie Policy.

Choice of Law and Jurisdiction

Any dispute arising from your purchase through Plugin as well as on the website or resulting disputes, including these terms of trade scope or validity, is subject to Danish law and must be brought before Copenhagen City Court.

Complaint Access

If you want to complain about your purchase, you should contact by email to: connect@pluginheatclub.com.
If we have not found a solution together, you have the opportunity to submit a complaint to the Center for Complaint Resolution;
Nævnenes Hus
Toldboden 2
Viborg 8800
You can complain to the Center for Complaint Resolution via www.forbrug.dk
The EU Commission's online complaint portal can also be used when submitting a complaint. This is especially relevant if you are a consumer residing in another EU country. Complaints are submitted here: http://ec.europa.eu/odr. When submitting a complaint, you must specify our email address: connect@pluginheatclub.com.